Central Tech is in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which ensures: “No qualified person with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives or benefits from Federal financial assistance.”
It is the policy of Central Tech not to discriminate on the basis of disability in its educational programs or activities.
- Accommodation for a disabled student is about ensuring equal access to a program. However, accommodations do not guarantee success or provide an unfair advantage. They merely create an equitable learning environment.
- A student seeking enrollment in a Central Tech class, full-time or short-term, can request accommodations if they have a legitimate, documented disability (mental or physical impairment which substantially affects the student’s academic achievement).
- Students must provide documentation of their disability such as doctor’s statements, medical records, medical evaluations, Voc-Rehab assessments, etc.
- An adult student served by special education services in high school must provide documentation (copy of IEP, eligibility and psychological assessment) and request accommodations as an adult.
- Students requesting accommodations must meet attendance requirements and participate in the program without being disruptive to the learning environment.
- Documentation and information about accommodation for a particular student is confidential and will be made available on a need-to-know basis only.
- Disabilities include “invisible disabilities” such as learning disabilities, chemical sensitivity, medical conditions, or temporary conditions resulting from accident or health related, etc.
- Illegal drug use, whether recreational or habitual, is not protected under ADA.
- The student requests accommodations.
- The student needs accommodation to gain equal access to a program.
- Proper and sufficient documentation is presented with the request for accommodation.
- The team, consisting of but not limited to counselor, teacher, administrative representative, and Special Needs representative, review documentation and approve requested accommodations.
- The student or the student’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others;
- A substantial change to an essential element of the curriculum has been requested for consideration;
- A substantial change in the manner in which educational opportunity is provided (separate facilities, home-based instruction, etc.) has been requested for consideration;
- The requested accommodation presents an undue financial or administrative burden.
Applicants must meet general admissions requirements for Central Tech and specific requirements of the program in which they wish to enroll.
You are officially registered with Disability Services after you complete the following steps:
- Step 1: Schedule an appointment with the Counselor/ Advisor.
- Step 2: Present documentation of your disability from an appropriate, qualified professional. Documentation may be faxed, emailed, mailed, or hand-delivered to Student Disability Services.
- Step 3: Meet with the Counselor/Advisor for an intake appointment, which typically lasts 30 minutes.
- Step 4: A meeting to develop an appropriate accommodation plan will be scheduled with your administrator, instructor, and program counselor.
- Step 5: Speak with your instructor(s) regarding your accommodations. Discuss with your instructor(s) any concerns related to your accommodations.
To obtain more detailed information or to make an appointment, please contact:
- Drumright campus: 918.352.2551, Kacee Poteet or Chet Cundiff
- Sapulpa campus: 918.227.9264, Ronda Casey
Central Technology Center, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1974, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in any of its policies, practices or procedures, and specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age in any of its policies, practices or procedures. These equal opportunity provisions include but are not limited to, admissions, employment, financial aid, educational services, treatments, or access to programs or activities. Students are admitted to programs based on their interests, indicators of ability to succeed in their chosen occupation, aptitude and prior performance in school and work. Other factors may be considered that affect the student=s ability to fully participate or complete a program or to obtain professional credentials at the program=s conclusion. Career training is organized through the National Career Clusters Framework and is offered in Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources; Architecture & Construction; Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications; Business, Management & Administration; Education & Training; Energy & Power; Health Science; Human Services; Information Technology; Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security; Manufacturing; Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics; and Transportation, Distribution & Logistics. Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding these laws may be forwarded to:
- Title VII Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent, FedPrograms@centraltech.edu
- Title IX District Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent, TitleIX@centraltech.edu
- Title IX Coordinator for Drumright campus, Drumright Campus Director, TitleIX@centraltech.edu
- Title IX Coordinator for Sapulpa, Sapulpa Campus Director, TitleIX@centraltech.edu
- Section 504 Coordinator for Drumright campus, Counselor, Section504@centraltech.edu
- Section 504 Coordinator for Sapulpa campus, ESC Coordinator, Section504@centraltech.edu
- ADA Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent, FedPrograms@centraltech.edu
- Compliance Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent, FedPrograms@centraltech.edu
Central Technology Center
3 CT Circle
Drumright, OK 74030
Central Technology Center
1720 S Main
Sapulpa, OK 74066