Central Tech is committed to uniting employers with skilled employees to build a better workforce. Our Employment Services program is specifically designed to support individuals with disabilities by offering comprehensive job readiness training and support, ensuring they achieve long-term employment success. 


Central Technology Center Employment Services, in collaboration with the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, is making available Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) activities to students ages 14-21 with disabilities.

The activities are introductory services and are intended to help students with a documented disability get an early start in identifying career interests to achieve community integration, independence, post-secondary education and/or competitive integrated employment.


Our Pre-ETS services are available at partner schools within our district, including multiple K-8 schools. With a dedicated staff of six, we are in the schools weekly to provide training in:

  • Work Based Learning
  • Work Readiness
  • Self-Advocacy
  • Job Exploration
  • Post Secondary Counseling

We prepare students for the transition to employment through various engaging and supportive activities. Our program includes skill assessments and interest inventories to help students identify their strengths and career interests. We explore appropriate workplace behaviors and provide opportunities for job shadowing and work-site tours, giving students a real-world glimpse into different professions.

Additionally, we focus on soft skills training and peer mentoring to help students develop essential interpersonal skills. Our students learn more about themselves and their disabilities, how to present themselves responsibly, recognize their strengths, and advocate for their needs. We also teach strategies for time management, problem solving, and goal setting. For those considering careers that require post-secondary education, we explore various options to ensure they are well-prepared for the next step in their journey.

Whether or not students are on an IEP or 504 plan, they can benefit from our Pre-ETS program. At the request of a school counselor or instructor, one of our consultants can do one-on-one Pre-ETS sessions with a student at their school.

You might be surprised to know what qualifies—check our sample list and FAQ sections for more information.

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blue plusJune 9-13, 2025
blue plus10:00a-3:00p
blue plusSapulpa campus

Ready to gain work experience and improve your job readiness?  

Participate in a one-week employment training followed by a four-week part-time paid internship. Join us this summer! Requirements:  

blue plusAt least 16 years old
blue plusHave a documented disability, a client of DRS, or potentially eligible for services 
blue plusDesire to gain work skills
blue plusWant to work part-time (up to 25 hours a week for four weeks)
Cody came to us and went to work. In the short time we had him, he was doing things on his own. This is a great program. Central Tech is helping young people get ready to enter the workforce. Thank You Central Tech for these programs.
Gary Whigham, Blackbeard Marine Keystone


Central Tech’s Career Independence Program offers comprehensive vocational rehabilitation services to help Oklahomans with disabilities secure jobs in their chosen careers. Our program is designed to support individuals with a physical, emotional, mental, or learning disability who need assistance to prepare for, find, keep, or return to employment. 


You are eligible for our Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) services if you have a disability that hinders your ability to work, and you require support to achieve your employment goals. 

Scenario 1: Overcoming a Physical Disability 

  • Situation: John, a 28-year-old mechanic, lost his left hand in an accident at work. He faces difficulty in continuing his job due to his disability. 
  • Obstacle: John struggles with tasks that require fine motor skills and dexterity, which are critical for a mechanic. He also faces discrimination in the job market. 
  • Utilization of Rehabilitation Services: John approaches the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) for help. DRS provides him with an assessment and suggests a prosthetic hand designed for mechanics. They also offer him training sessions to adapt to the new prosthetic. 
  • Outcome: With the help of the DRS, John masters the use of his prosthetic and improves his job performance. Additionally, DRS assists him in finding employment with Central Tech. John successfully continues his career as a mechanic. 

Scenario 2: Managing Mental Health Challenges 

  • Situation: Maria, a 20-year-old college student, has been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression, which affects her ability to attend classes and complete assignments. 
  • Obstacle: Maria’s mental health issues lead to frequent absences and low academic performance, putting her at risk of dropping out of college. 
  • Utilization of Pre-ETS Classes: Maria’s counselor refers her to Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), where she receives counseling and workshops on stress management, time management, and study skills. The program also provides her with a peer mentor who has overcome similar challenges. 
  • Outcome: With the support from Pre-ETS, Maria learns coping strategies to manage her anxiety and depression. She improves her attendance and academic performance, eventually graduating with her degree. She also gains confidence to seek employment, utilizing the job placement services offered by Pre-ETS. 

Scenario 3: Transitioning from High School to Workforce

  • Situation: Kevin, a 17-year-old high school senior with a learning disability, is unsure about his future career path and lacks the necessary skills for employment. 
  • Obstacle: Kevin faces difficulties with reading and math, making it hard for him to perform well in traditional job settings. He also has low self-esteem due to his academic struggles. 
  • Utilization of Pre-ETS Classes: Kevin enrolls in Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) classes, where he participates in career exploration activities, job shadowing, and work-based learning experiences. The program also offers him training in specific job skills tailored to his interests. 
  • Outcome: Through Pre-ETS, Kevin discovers a passion for graphic design. He receives specialized training at Central Tech and earns a certification in graphic design software. With the help of Employment Services at Central Tech, Kevin secures an internship at a design firm, which leads to a full-time job after graduation. 

Scenario 4: Reentering the Workforce After an Illness

  • Situation: Sarah, a 45-year-old marketing professional, has been out of work for two years due to a chronic illness that required extensive treatment. 
  • Obstacle: Sarah’s extended absence from the workforce has resulted in gaps in her resume, and she lacks the confidence to reapply for jobs. Additionally, the marketing field has evolved, and she needs to update her skills. 
  • Utilization of Rehabilitation Services: Sarah contacts the Department of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), which offers her career counseling and vocational rehabilitation. She enrolls in Central Tech’s Workforce and Economic Development training programs to update her marketing skills, including digital marketing and social media strategies. Due to her extended unemployment, Sarah can’t afford to replace the alternator in her vehicle.  Based on her household income, she learns that she qualifies for financial assistance with DRS. 
  • Outcome: With her new skills and renewed confidence, Sarah successfully reintegrates into the job market. Central Tech assists her in finding a position at a marketing agency that accommodates her needs, allowing her to manage her health while working. Sarah thrives in her new role and continues to advance her career. 


We offer a range of support services for adults, from resume development and online job application training to mock interviews, all tailored to help our clients secure employment in their chosen fields. Our certified employment consultants perform specialized assessments to match individuals with appropriate jobs and offer on-the-job training and follow-up services to ensure stable, long-term employment. 

  • Counseling and Assessments: Job placement counseling, career planning guidance, and medical and psychological assessments to determine eligibility and understand your abilities and rehabilitation needs. 
  • Employment Support: Job search assistance, placement, follow-up services, and support for self-employment and telecommuting opportunities. 
  • Assistive Technology and Training: Devices and equipment to enhance workplace functionality, along with vocational, on-the-job, and job coaching training. 
  • Diagnosis, Treatment, and Maintenance: Treatments to improve employment opportunities, help with additional costs, and transportation related to your employment goals. 
  • Instructional and Personal Services: Rehabilitation teaching, orientation and mobility services for individuals who are blind, personal assistance services, and support for high school students transitioning to work. 

Some services, such as medical examinations for eligibility determination, vocational counseling, and job placement, are provided at no cost. Depending on your income and financial resources, you may be asked to share the cost of other services. 

This comprehensive approach ensures clients will be better equipped to enter the workforce with confidence and competence.  

Our time with James was an absolute delight; he is a great young man who is kind and eager to help. He will make a great asset to our team.
Mallory Parker, The Salvation Army 
Our student intern was eager to learn, listened to instructions well, completed tasks in a timely and very competent manner, and overall was a joy to have around!
Colleen Branson, Director, Mannford Public Library