Central Tech’s annual open house will highlight February’s American Heart Month by hosting a free health fair open to the public on Valentine’s Day, Sunday, February 14 from 1-4 p.m. Both the Drumright and Sapulpa campuses will take vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, pulse, respiration), height, weight, BMI, check glucose, offer blood typing, cholesterol checks, vision screening, children’s health-related activities, and more. Services offered while supplies last and screenings vary by campus.
Along with the health fair, Central Tech will have more than 70 attractions and demonstrations that are sure to please the whole family as they focus on technical learning, today’s technology, and interactive experiences.
Try your hand at virtual reality simulators like: fire arms training, virtual welding, fire extinguisher usage, laparoscopic surgery, lifting fingerprints, and flight simulation. Central Tech teaches skills needed for today’s jobs. Come see what’s new and available to you.
Visit the Truckers Against Trafficking trailer and, through video, hear personal stories from those rescued and learn what’s being done to prevent trafficking of our young people.
And of course, Open House wouldn’t be what it is without car and motorcycle shows. See Corvettes in Sapulpa, custom cars, diesels, or motorcycles in Drumright.
Kids will enjoy face painting, free popcorn, nail polishing, bean bag toss, finger casting, and finger printing. The Interactive Multimedia photography students will take children career pictures, have the little one dress up in the career of their dreams and get a photo taken.
Do you like science, math, and engineering? Visit the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics and Pre-Engineering classrooms in Drumright. Electrify yourself on the Van de Graph or test your math skills with interactive math puzzles.
If you’re interested in areas like construction, electrical, or welding make sure you tour the shops and sign up to tour the house that the Construction program is building. Tours start at 1:30 and 2:30. Interested in how things are built or designed? Come by the Design Drafting classroom to see blueprints, design a room, and see a 3D printer in action.
In Drumright, come by the Pipeline and Safety Training Center to see a model pipeline system, a pipeline manifold simulator, and watch a polyfusion demo.
There will be nail driving and virtual welding competitions, you will be able to operate a robot, extract DNA from a strawberry, and see what its like to be in an emergency vehicle or a big rig. There is something for the whole family to experience.
Doors open at 1 p.m. on both campuses with activities happening throughout each of the buildings. Bring your family and your appetite. Central Tech will have food vendors and free popcorn and cookies while supplies last.
Activities, food, prizes, demonstrations, and giveaways are subject to change without notice and vary by campus. Limited quantities. Weather permitting. Restrictions apply. For a complete list visit www.CentralTech.Edu.